Asked Questions
For HOPE'S Hospice Care in Bayou Country

Everything you need to know about Hospice Care in Bayou Country
What is hospice?
Hospice care is the compassionate care for all people diagnosed with a terminal or life-limiting illness.
At HOPE Healthcare and Hospice, we provide expert medical care, pain management, emotional, and spiritual support: all of which is tailored to the patient’s needs.
Where can I receive hospice care?
The goal at HOPE Healthcare and Hospice is to provide care to our patients wherever they call home. Our care can be provided in the patient’s own home, assisted living facilities, nursing homes, and memory care centers. We will also provide care to those who do not have a permanent living arrangement.
If I choose hospice care, does it mean that I have to give up my treatment?
Our mission at HOPE Healthcare and Hospice is to partner with eligible patients and their loved ones to provide an experience that is personal, comforting, and full of life’s most important moments.
We will not ask you to give up any measure that helps to keep you comfortable and is deemed necessary by the physician. In fact, some patients chose to continue receiving therapies such as physical, occupational, speech, radiation, chemotherapy, and IV therapies.
HOPE Healthcare and Hospice will also cover all medications related to your terminal diagnosis. We will also ensure that you get the supplies and medical equipment you need to be comfortable.
How should I have the hospice conversation with my loved one?
Our HOPE Healthcare and Hospice team of nurses, social workers, and chaplains are here to guide you in having difficult conversations with your loved ones.
Hospice is a wonderful benefit that provides both the patient and their family members with a tremendous amount of support and guidance.
How do I pay for hospice care?
The Hospice Benefit is covered at 100% by Medicare, Medicare Advantage, and Medicaid. Most private insurances will cover hospice services. However, they may require that remaining deductibles and coinsurance be met.
HOPE Healthcare and Hospice will provide care to eligible patients regardless of their ability to pay for services.
If I choose hospice care, does it mean I'm giving up hope?
At HOPE Healthcare and Hospice, our clinicians are focused on giving you the best quality of life. Our treatment focuses on managing your symptoms, with special emphasis on controlling pain and discomfort.
You can continue to see your doctor, go on outings, visit with friends and family, and continue to do all the things that you enjoy doing. We are here to help you do whatever you want to do, when you want to do it.
Do I have to sign a DNR?
A Do Not Resuscitate (DNR) order, Living Will, or any other form of Advanced Directives are not required to receive care with HOPE Healthcare and Hospice. Our team will assist you with information to ensure that we meet all of your wishes.
Who is eligible for hospice care?
The Hospice benefit is available to patients who are deemed eligible by their physician. The benefit serves patients living with AIDS, ALS, Alzheimer’s disease, cancer, chronic lung disease, heart disease, kidney disease, Parkinson’s disease, stroke, and any other terminal illness with a life expectancy of six months or less, if the illness runs its normal course.
How do I get hospice care?
A hospice information visit can be requested by anyone and is at NO COST to you. Our team will inform you of the benefit you may be eligible to receive. We will also assess your needs and answer any questions that you may have. Once your needs have been assessed, we speak with your physician and our hospice medical director to determine if you qualify for the hospice benefit.
What if I decide I do not want hospice care any longer?
If at any time you decide you no longer want hospice care, you can stop services. Hospice is an elected benefit, and if canceled, you can resume your traditional Medicare benefits.
At times, patients conditions improve, and they are no longer eligible for the hospice benefit. If this occurs, our team will try to assist you with additional resources if you qualify.
Hospice vs Palliative Care
Palliative care and hospice care are both types of care that are meant to improve the quality of life for those who are terminally ill. However, there are some key differences between the two.
Palliative care is designed to provide relief from the symptoms of illness, while hospice care is focused on providing support for those who are nearing the end of their life. Hospice care also provides additional support for the families of those who are dying.
Our hospice care services in Bayou Country include: